BEPRO Network Monthly Report — June 2021

3 min readJul 1, 2021


BEPRO Network Monthly Report — June 2021
BEPRO Network Monthly Report — June 2021

June was a huge month for our team as we continued to deliver key milestones on the roadmap, and build the future of Web3’s codebase for EVM Development supported by Ethereum, Polkadot, BinanceChain, Polygon & more.

Have a great idea for a decentralized app using bepro-js? Sign up for a developer grant in our #BUIDL 2021 Grants Program!

This is what we accomplished and delivered throughout the month:

#BUIDL Grants 2021

The #BUIDL Grants offers funding grants for projects working to promote the success and growth of the Bepro.Network ecosystem. We will be distributing 100M BEPRO for grants from the 1st of July until the end of the year, and we will have 5 categories for projects (read more)

On-Chain Staking Template

With this release, BEPRO Network fulfills yet another important development milestone on our roadmap. On-Chain staking increases the value and utility of BEPRO Network’s Codebase for developers and blockchain entrepreneurs with tokens. This is part of a broader initiative to shift the company’s focus more towards the full decentralization of products and services based on open developer marketplaces. (read more)

Voting Systems Smart Contract Template

With this feature, we enable our operator clients to integrate on-chain and decentralized voting systems secured by blockchain technology. Many cryptocurrency and blockchain projects have diverse developer and token holder communities that can be leveraged and incentivised with on-chain governance. (read more)

BEPRO Network Product Showcase

Our webapp allows you to open issues & bounties, and manage all your repository information. Coders, Operators & #Buidlers will have a unified webapp experience where they can track issues and development progress for their blockchain enabled applications. (read more)

Builders Spotlight: Uzyth to integrate Staking & Governance features

UZyth is leveraging our technology for token staking and governance features, integrating them in their ecosystem. UZyth is a blockchain based ecosystem with a variety of products in DeFi and gaming. By leveraging bepro-js, UZyth will enable its community of token holders to be more involved in the direction of the project. (read more)

BEPRO Network Medium

We’re transitioning our website to be used essentially for the Developers’ Community and our Builders. We needed to make some changes to our blog in terms of SEO by using a platform with enhanced analytics that would give us better reach for our publications, technology and product. As we build towards the BEPRO Network mainnet launch, and in order to have all of our other information such as updates and blog posts organised, we’ve moved our Blog to Medium.

Upcoming in July

For the month of July, we will continue to explore and explain how developers and teams are leveraging our technology in our Builders Spotlight series. Other topics we’re working on include:

  • NFT Marketplace
  • More Smart Contract Templates
  • #BUIDL Grants Program Awardees
  • And much more

We want to thank everyone for the support! You’ve been truly amazing and we couldn’t be more proud of our community who keep on delivering valuable feedback.

If you are a team, project, enthusiast or community member that thinks that your blockchain project could benefit from on-chain protocols, you can get in touch with us by sending an email to our Inbound Manager:

Interested parties should check out our Open Issues on Github or message us directly in our Developers’ Community.

About BEPRO Network

BEPRO Network is a codebase for DeFi, Gaming, Prediction Markets & More. We are a Code-as-a-Service protocol providing technology and support for blockchain-based applications.









Building next-generation web3 products. We are a builder hub that connects developers and organizations through hackathons and bounties.