The BEPRO Network Protocol came from an idea: what if we could create a place to join developers and entrepreneurs through a decentralized development framework, to work on our own Codebase for Web3?
Then, the idea expanded.
Instead of just one company developing on our network and Codebase, why not open it up for other operators to build on any open-source projects of their choosing?
The BEPRO Network Development DAO framework was born. As an entity, BEPRO Network is responsible for all its own repositories, landing pages, smart contracts, bepro-js, and SDKs being built by the community in our decentralized development environment/marketplace. You can check it out at
Additionally, BEPRO Network will use its reserves to empower the growth of the BEPRO Network Protocol on a long-term basis. Part of the $BEPRO tokens are going to be used as a reward/payment method within the protocol.
But that’s not where the idea of the Development DAO framework stops. This protocol can be forked, white-labeled, and rebranded to suit any enterprise’s need for sourcing decentralized blockchain development.
This is a complete new showcase within the blockchain and crypto industry, and this will be a really good use-case that we believe will be the future of decentralized development. The vision is to distribute things properly in a fair and transparent way leveraging the concept of DAOs. This will lead to a more trustful control of assets and ownership structures to determine the future of protocols and their development.
We hope this can become a solution for other projects and companies with this multi-operator whitelabel structure. Until then, we will keep building and making our product the best as possible with all the developers of the network — to create a liquid decentralized environment for projects to really source development talent without middlemen.
The BEPRO Network Protocol is a solution to a problem we faced when we were a centralized development studio with limited HR resources. Something akin to most companies in tech today where the limiting resource is developer firepower. Now, with the Development DAO framework, any project that wishes to decentralize its development of their codebase for the future can do so. Not only by creating a financial DAO, but also a coding DAO — where holders make decisions on the code that will be developed.
How it works
In this particular case, a Development DAO is created where the development efforts of a project are decentralized, with incentives coming from an automated process governed by distributed consensus. Nonetheless, from the moment that the incentive is implemented on the protocol the project itself can’t do anything to change or remove it.
For example, when a bounty for the development of a feature is created, it’s there and it’s not possible to be changed or removed within the timeframe of 3 consecutive days. From the moment that it’s already distributed, it’s up to the token holders and developers to decide what to do and to comply with the next steps.
From the moment that these incentives are locked, it’s part of the community (token holders, developers, and operators) to comply with. In the beginning, our project will lead as a sort of management team within the protocol, but in the mid-long run, it will be working as a development DAO run by the community itself.
BEPRO.js is our way of using the protocol to test/work out all its functionalities. BEPRO.js has a lot of limitations and is not yet the best solution to on-ramp a project to Web3. But the Development DAO is slowly but surely building out this Codebase, and it is getting more useful and robust every day, all in a decentralized manner!
That’s not to say you can’t already use it to do great things. Below you can find some practical use cases of BEPRO technology and here:
- NFTs
- Prediction Markets
- Art Galleries
- Custom Tokens
- Staking
Plus all the cool stuff coming down the pipeline.
Final thoughts
V1 of the BEPRO Network Protocol was released on Moonriver. Due to the nature of this deployment, there are limitations in terms of governance and reward structures and their attendant complexities. V2 of our protocol is going to launch on Moonbeam (Polkadot parachain) with many new features and iterative improvements gained from our experience from V1. Where V1 and V2 are pointing towards is a new decentralized development economy where developers, token holders, and operators can freely interact to create technology in an open framework.
As the company that created this Protocol, our focus is now directed towards developers to create strong know-how for the protocol, and to help us build bepro.js. With the resources that the company owns we will help bootstrap this decentralized development and the Development DAO framework (including projects and whitelabel operators building on top of it) so that in the near future our Codebase and protocol can be an indispensable part of Web3.