Bepro Network & TAIKAI Labs Monthly Report — October 2022

4 min readOct 31, 2022


October was a remarkable month for us because we achieved one of our major milestones and 2022 goal — the release of Bepro Network’s v2.

Here’s a summary of everything we accomplished in October:

Bepro Network’s v2 release!

After a highly anticipated development period, we announced the release of Bepro Network’s v2 protocol. The bounty network has been updated with new features, fixes, and improvements.

It was launched on Moonbeam Network as with Ethereum-compatible multichain functionality, Moonbeam will help us in expanding our reach to new users and markets.

We also held an AMA session about the release. Hélder Vasconcelos, CTO and co-founder of TAIKAI Labs and Bepro Network, and João Gonçalves, Head of Development, hosted the session and did an excellent job of answering all of the community’s questions and shining a light on what the Bounty Network has to offer.

Four new bounties are live in the platform to be paid in $BEPRO:

  • #610 Easy custom theme — 135K $BEPRO
  • #14 Testflight Redesign — 455K $BEPRO
  • #98 Rocket Kit Add interaction tests — 270K $BEPRO
  • #58 ERC-4626 Tokenized Vault Standard — 270K $BEPRO

Get started!

Bepro Network closes a partnership with Bitgert to develop their own Bounty Network.

We’ve announced that Bepro Network closed a partnership with Bitgert for the development of their own Bounty Network!

This will be the second web3 organization that will have its own Customized Bounty Network on top of the Bepro Protocol and we are proud of it.

The protocol will attract community developers to work and contribute to Bitgert Bounty Network GitHub repositories in a decentralized and sustainable manner.

Join the waitlist now!

Building DeHouse: New Web3 Hub in Portugal

We announced that TAIKAI has partnered with Work-In to build a Web3 Hub in Porto, Portugal!

DeHouse aims to bring together web3 industry associations in the same coworking space, so we can collaborate, grow, build, and act as an accelerator of creative potential and new ideas.

“We had the vision to create a Web3 hub for quite some time now. After hosting a Denites event in the same place, we quickly realized it would be the perfect location to do so.

The DeHouse co-working space aims to contribute to that by offering a beautiful space where we can all collaborate.” said our CEO Mário Ribeiro Alves.

Join DeHouse today!

🇵🇹 TAIKAI Labs, the ETH Lisbon’s Hackathon official partner

We partnered with ETH Lisbon in order to be the official platform of the Hackathon. The registration had awesome numbers: More than 1500 applicants, with 350 hackers selected!

Our platform helped to make the best possible experience for all the web3 enthusiasts building and collaborating during the event. Congratulations to all participants!

A special mention to TAIKAI team that was at hacking and won the 2nd place in Filecoin / IPFS and Wallet Connect bounties!

TAIKAI Hackathon platform was updated!

We are excited to announce that our TAIKAI hackathon platform has been updated with several new features and improvements:

  • Users now can log in using metamask;
  • Add checkout warning if the user allocates all balance in only one project;
  • Now a user can use uppercase letters on the username (e.g., 0xLayer);
  • Not disable the “overview” tab when a participant is in the preferences tab;
  • Format number values on projects based on the user location;
  • Standardization of job titles;
  • UX improvements;
  • Bug fixes.

Our team will continue to work on developing the best platform for organizations and hackathon participants.

Take a look at our latest hackathons!

v1 Rewards distribution announcement.

Following the release of Bepro Network v2, we began assigning the v1 rewards as previously announced.

For the next six months, we will distribute $BEPRO tokens to v1 users via the Moonbeam Network on a monthly basis.

Read the full announcement

Bepro Network’s v2.01 was deployed.

The Bepro Network team has been hard at work, continuously improving and updating our app. We’re proud to announce the deployment of v2.01, which includes new features and improvements.

Check the release notes on GitHub!

What’s coming?

Over the next month, we will be working on improving our platforms and closing new partnerships as well as deploying Bounty Networks such as Aurora and Bitgert.

Furthermore, we will be participating in the Lisbon Blockchain Month 2022, where you can find our team at events such as DeNites and the World of Web3 Summit. Let’s connect!

Stay tuned on Twitter for the latest updates.




Building next-generation web3 products. We are a builder hub that connects developers and organizations through hackathons and bounties.