Builders’ Spotlight: dotmoovs to use BEPRO Network’s ERC20 Distribution Contract
We are excited to announce dotmoovs has leveraged BEPRO Network’s Codebase for its token distribution smart contract. By using bepro-js, dotmoovs was able to automate its token distribution and vesting mechanisms via a secure and audited smart contracting framework.
Distribution and vesting of ERC20 tokens
dotmoovs is a crypto mobile competition platform that enables peer to peer incentivised competition between athletes. Their AI based video referee will evaluate sports performance in competitions and ensure matches are fair in a variety of sports. Athletes can earn and monetize their sports training at home using Dotmoovs, and be rewarded with MOOV tokens.
dotmoovs used BEPRO Network’s Codebase for its token distribution smart contract. This template also allows for token locking and vesting in an audited and secure framework for accurate and transparent distribution of MOOV.
BEPRO Network is Growing
The on-boarding of dotmoovs as another BEPRO Network builder truly shows the universality and usefulness of bepro-js. At BEPRO Network, we are building the blockchain tools and codebase that allow projects like dotmoovs to quickly and efficiently bootstrap their ideas.
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About dotmoovs
dotmoovs is a blockchain-powered sports platform allowing athletes at all skill-levels to enter into peer-to-peer competitions while earning digital assets.
About BEPRO Network
BEPRO Network is a codebase for DeFi, Gaming, Prediction Markets & More. We are a Code-as-a-Service protocol providing technology and support for blockchain-based applications.