How to join the Starknet Winter Hackathon

3 min readJan 18, 2024


The Starknet Winter Hackathon is an open invitation to developers and innovators to show off their skills by building projects on the Starknet ecosystem. There’s a whole universe of possibilities to explore, so without further ado, let’s walk you through the process of joining the hackathon!

Step 1 — Access the hackathon page

Head over to the Starknet Hackathon page on TAIKAI.

Step 2 — Login into TAIKAI

At the top of the page, you will see a button requesting you to log in to TAIKAI in order to join the hackathon.

Click the button “Log in to join”, and it will direct you to the login page.

If you’re not registered on TAIKAI, you can sign up using your email address or log in with one of the profiles at the bottom. If you are already registered on TAIKAI, simply log in to the platform.

Step 3 — Fill the registration form

After logging in to TAIKAI, you will see your profile picture at the top of the page. Below, there’s a button to join the hackathon.

Click on it.

On the side of the page, a registration form will appear where you can add your personal information.

Add the requested information and click on “Submit”.

Congratulations! You are registered on the Starknet Winter Hackathon

After submitting the form, you will see a confirmation message and receive a confirmation email indicating that you are registered.

This emails means that you have successfully registered on the Starkware Winter Hackathon 🎉

Now, brace yourself and get ready for the most memorable hacking experience!

💻 Why join the Starknet Winter Hackathon?

The Starknet Winter Hackathon is a 3-week hackathon organized by Starkware and leading up to ETHDenver. Besides the mouth-watering prizes, participants will have the golden opportunity to build a valuable network with leading blockchain experts and work on real-world projects using Starknet’s powerful stack alongside fellow developers.

Join us and let’s make something incredible together!

📨 Register on the Starknet Winter Hackathon




Building next-generation web3 products. We are a builder hub that connects developers and organizations through hackathons and bounties.