How to review and distribute rewards — Step-by-step guide for curators

8 min readOct 23, 2023


What are Curators in the Task Marketplace?

Curators are users who validate the submitted work and propose a reward distribution for the solutions created by builders. They play a crucial role in the Task Marketplace and, as such, they get a share of the task reward.

When curators review a solution, they are paid 2% of the total reward for that task. The percentage payout ensures that curators get fair compensation for their contribution.

To become a curator, the user needs to lock 25M (25 million) BEPRO tokens in the platform. This measure was designed to ensure that curators are committed to their role and do not engage in non-serious behavior that harms the community or the work submitted.

When the user locks the tokens to become a curator, the tokens are converted into TBEPRO Votes, the currency used for voting. The votes can be used by the curator themselves or shared with the community, which can then review the submitted work using those votes. Later in the article, we’ll show how to do this.

To ensure you stay on track throughout the process, this guide is divided into two parts.

  • Part 1: Learning how to become a curator by requesting voting power and managing votes
  • Part 2: Reviewing the work submitted and proposing rewards

Let’s start!

Part 1: Becoming a curator and gaining votes

Step 1 — Install MetaMask

To use Bepro, you’ll need to connect through a MetaMask wallet. Just click on “Connect Wallet” and confirm the Sign Request. If you need help with this step, you can find detailed instructions here.

Step 2 — Select the marketplace where you want to become a curator

Each Marketplace operates independently from one another, so the next step is selecting the marketplace in which you want to become a curator.

To do that, click on “Marketplaces” in the top menu.

You’ll be presented with a list of the existing marketplaces inside Bepro. Click on the marketplace you want to become a curator.

After clicking in the desired Marketplace, you’ll see the list of tasks available inside it.

Step 3 — Accessing the Voting Power panel

The next thing to request voting power is accessing the Voting Power panel. To do that, start by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner.

In the menu that opens, click on the second option, “Voting Power”.

Step 4 — Exploring the Voting Power panel

In the panel, you’ll find the characterization of your voting power.

The first section is the number of Total Votes where you can easily check:

  • The amount of BEPRO tokens you have locked,
  • The number of votes delegated to you by the community,
  • The number of votes delegated by you to the community.

Notice that we don’t have any tokens locked yet, so we don’t have any votes assigned.

Below the Total Votes section, there are two boxes.

On the left side, you can lock and unlock BEPRO tokens to gain voting power. On the right side, you can specify the number of votes you wish to delegate by filling in the user’s address in the designated field.

Step 4 — Locking tokens to gain voting power

Now, let’s see how to lock tokens and exchange them for votes.

Remember that to become a curator, the user needs to lock 25M (25 million) BEPRO tokens. If you try to lock any amount of tokens inferior to 25M, you will not gain voting power.

Type 25 million as numerals in the text input field.

Click “Approve” and confirm the operation in your MetaMask wallet.

Now, you can exchange your tokens for votes by clicking “Get 25.00M Votes”. You’ll be requested to confirm the operation. Simply click “Confirm” and, again, confirm the operation in your MetaMask wallet.

Notice that you now have 25M TBEPRO votes ready to be used in your Voting Power panel.

Now that you have TBEPRO votes, you can delegate votes to other community members if you wish. To do so, just define the number of votes you want to delegate and the address of the user you are delegating votes to. Click on “Delegate” and confirm the operation in your MetaMask wallet.

Delegating votes is typically carried out by members who lack the time or expertise to review specific tasks, and therefore, they delegate their votes to someone else who they trust will make informed decisions. This not only allows individuals to contribute to the decision-making process within the community, but it also helps to distribute voting power and encourage active participation.

The Voting Power panel will be updated to reflect the transfer.

Congratulations! Now, you have votes that you can use to review work submitted to tasks. Let’s learn how to do that.

Part 2: Reviewing work submitted and creating reward proposals

Step 1 — Open the task you want to review

Inside your chosen Marketplace, open the task you want to review and check the number of solutions (deliverables) submitted for that task.

You can also check the proposals for each deliverable submitted. If you click, “View Proposal” you can see detailed information about the amount proposed to be paid to each contributor.

Step 2 — Make a review for a deliverable

You have the option (it’s not mandatory) of leaving some feedback to the contributor, by leaving a review to the work submitted.

To leave a review for the deliverables submitted, just click on “Review”.

You’ll be presented with a preview of the deliverable and the information and content submitted. Click on “Make a Review” to leave some feedback to the contributor.

Leave your comments and click “Create Review”.

Step 3 — Creating a new proposal

You can view the list of proposals that have been submitted, or you can create a new one. If you notice that a new deliverable has been submitted and believe the creator should be rewarded for their work, you can create a new proposal.

To do that, just click on “Create Proposal”.

Select from the list the deliverable to which you can submit a proposal.

When an organization creates a task, it defines the total reward for the task and the distribution, that is, the reward to be paid to the contributor and to the curator that submits a proposal.

When you select the deliverable, the payment details are automatically generated according to the reward definitions set by the creator of the task.

For instance, in the task example shown, the task creator had previously assigned 95.99% of the reward to the contributor and 1,96% to the curator.

After clicking on “Create Proposal”, the complete breakdown of the reward is presented.

Let’s go over the reward distribution for a total reward of 104,987.53 TBEPRO tokens:

  • The contributor is rewarded with 95.99% of the total reward, that is, 100.78K TBEPRO tokens.
  • The user that accepts the reward proposal is rewarded with 0.05% of the total reward, 51.44 TBEPRO tokens.
  • The marketplace charges a 2% fee of the total reward, 2.10K TBEPRO tokens.
  • The user that submits a reward proposal is rewarded with 1.96% of the total reward, 2,06K TBEPRO tokens

To validate the reward proposal generated, click on “Accept”. Confirm the distribution by clicking the button and confirm the transaction on your MetaMask wallet.

The proposal should be accepted and the reward is paid according to that distribution.

The listing of proposals will display the proposal as accepted.

And that’s a wrap up!

It was a long one but we walked you through the complete process of how to become a curator and submit proposal rewards. If you want to know more about the Task Marketplace, you can read more about how to create tasks or participate in created tasks.

About the Task Marketplace

The Task Marketplace is a collaborative platform where builders can connect with organizations to build portfolio and earn crypto. If you want to earn crypto and help the community grow, the curator role is for you.

Head over to and become a part of the future of task-based work.




Written by LayerX

Building next-generation web3 products. We are a builder hub that connects developers and organizations through hackathons and bounties.

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