How web3 events can advance your career

7 min readSep 27, 2023


It’s no surprise: web3 events are happening all around the world and for good reason. The attendance can surpass the 10,000 people per event and the number of attendees is expected to continue to grow as the technology becomes more mainstream.

But what makes these events so popular? Are they actually worth your time? In this article, we’ll cover the massive world of web3 events and break down the benefits they can provide to help your career take off. Let’s go!

Web3 events: Where knowledge meets opportunity

Web3 events are designed to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing within the web3 and blockchain community. They explore the latest developments in blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized web, but they are not exclusive to developers or tech experts.

Anyone with an interest in the field, including entrepreneurs, investors, artists, and marketers, can benefit from attending web3 events. This blend of people with diverse backgrounds and experiences, all united by a shared interest in blockchain, makes these events collaborative platforms for learning, networking, and growth.

The different types of Web3 events

There are different types of events but they all serve the same purpose — contributing to technological advancement and industry awareness. Here’s an overview of the most common types of web3 events:

  • Conferences: gatherings that bring together experts and thought leaders. They usually include keynote presentations, panel discussions, and workshops that offer attendees a deep dive into the latest trends, research, and industry innovations. Conferences usually center around specific themes, like NFTs, DeFi, cryptocurrency, blockchain, and more. It’s all about diving deep into these topics and exploring what they have to offer. Consensus and Devcon are two of the biggest and most reputed conferences taking place every year.
  • Hackathons: events where teams or individuals come together for an intensive, time-bound competition to develop innovative solutions. They can last from 24 hours to several days with participants often working around the clock to produce an MVP or concept by the end of the event. TAIKAI is a platform that hosts web3 hackathons, virtual or in-person, where programmers can participate in coding competitions to showcase their skills.
  • Meetups: are informal gatherings where like-minded individuals can network and share ideas. These events are often localized and promote grassroots connections within the web3 community.Workshops: provide hands-on learning experience, allowing participants to sharpen their skills and tackle real-world challenges. They are usually mentored by industry experts and can be sponsored by leading companies in the industry.
  • Workshops: provide hands-on learning experience, allowing participants to sharpen their skills and tackle real-world challenges. They are usually mentored by industry experts and can be sponsored by leading companies in the industry.

It’s also worth mentioning that events take place in different formats: attendance can be in-person, virtual or hybrid. The recent global situation has made virtual events the norm but physical events are slowly regaining their space in the web3 ecosystem. While it’s true virtual events are more convenient and accessible, there’s something special about genuine face-to-face interactions.

Why attend web3 events?

Attending a web3 event is an experience like no other. Web3 events often take place in venues visually stunning. You feel the place buzzing with energy the moment you step in but there is more to it beyond the thrill of excitement when participating in Web3 events.

Networking opportunities

Industry events provide fertile grounds for connecting with people who share similar interests or work in the same field. Beyond formal presentations, web3 events often feature networking sessions to promote networking and information exchange. Interacting with enthusiasts who share similar passions opens doors to new perspectives, ideas, and opportunities you might never encounter otherwise. These connections can evolve into partnerships, collaborations, or friendships that may have an impact on your professional and personal growth.

Staying informed

Few industries are more dynamic and transformative than the Web3 and blockchain ecosystem. That is why attending events is a great way to stay informed and engaged with the community. The agenda of web3 events usually include keynote presentations, panel discussions, Q&A sessions and case studies presentations with the participation of experts and thought leaders. These are all invaluable opportunities to understand the situation of the market, anticipate emerging trends and learn from the best in the field.

Learning and skill development

Education is at the heart of web3 events. Events usually offer a diverse range of learning tracks, catering to various skill levels and interests — conferences provide a wealth of knowledge through presentations and panels, while hackathons and workshops offer a more hands-on learning experience. These are especially valuable for developers and enthusiasts looking to deepen and apply their technical skills in real-world scenarios. Participants that attend web3 events gain insider knowledge and perspectives not readily available through online research.

Job opportunities

Many companies and startups strategically leverage events as a prime recruiting ground, particularly via hackathons. When you attend web3 events, you not only expand your professional network but also increase the chances of discovering job openings, internships, or freelance opportunities that align precisely with your career aspirations and goals.

The experience of immersing yourself and directly engaging with industry experts and enthusiasts can provide valuable insights, exposure, and potential collaborations that may accelerate your professional growth in the field.

Exposure to new projects

Web3 events offer a unique opportunity to witness presentations and showcases of emerging and innovative blockchain projects. By actively participating in these events, you can position yourself as an early adopter and gain valuable insights into groundbreaking projects that may disrupt industries and revolutionize the way we live and work.

This early involvement can prove to be immensely beneficial for your career, as it allows you to establish connections, acquire new skills, and potentially join a project that gains significant traction in the market.

Investment and funding

Startups in the web3 and blockchain space rely heavily on funding to bring their ideas to life. For startups and entrepreneurs, these events can be a goldmine for finding co-founders, technical talent, or investors who share their vision and are willing to collaborate on innovative ventures. web3 events often feature pitch competitions and startup showcases that give entrepreneurs the opportunity to attract the attention of potential investors looking for the next big thing.

How to find the best web3 events to attend

A few years ago, attending industry events was relatively straightforward. You could choose from a handful of conferences, maybe one or two key meetups, and that was it. But today, the choices are endless. With the ever-growing list of web3 conferences, hackathons, and meetups, it can be tough to keep up with all the events happening around the world and that feeling of FOMO creeping in.

Web3 Xplorer, a one-stop hub for all Web3 events

The Web3 Xplorer is an events aggregator designed to help you stay informed about the events happening in the web3 and blockchain universe. The Web3 Xplorer provides you with a comprehensive list of past and upcoming web3 events on topics like Blockchain, Crypto, NFTs, DApps, DeFi, and everything web3-related.

The Xplorer compiles all the information of the event for you. You just need to head over to the Xplorer, select an event and the key information is displayed at once.

One of the coolest things about the Xplorer is that it is a collaborative tool. This means that if you are hosting a web3 event for your local community or if you’re merely interested in an event that is not yet listed on the Xplorer, we encourage you to do so here.

Final thoughts

Web3 events offer a wealth of opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds who share a common interest in blockchain technology and the decentralized web. Attending these events can be a transformative experience that opens doors to personal and professional growth but it’s not always easy to select which events to attend amidst the ever-growing number of Web3 events happening worldwide.

So, here’s the million-dollar question: What’s the next web3 event you will be attending to take your career to the next level? 😉

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LayerX connects web3 developers and organizations through hackathons and bounties, bringing together talent and opportunities to create innovative solutions.

Our hackathon platform, TAIKAI, and bounty platform, Bepro Network, empower developers to showcase their skills and earn rewards. Don’t forget to join our community and say hello on Discord!




Building next-generation web3 products. We are a builder hub that connects developers and organizations through hackathons and bounties.