Product Series #1

3 min readFeb 2, 2022


Product Series #1
Product Series #1

Since day one we’ve been completely focused on improving the protocol, with our communication being mostly tech-oriented. As we want the community to be up to date with our developments and product growth, we’re now going to be posting a bi-weekly update on product developments.

Here’s a quick recap of what we’ve been developing in the last weeks.

Search Feature

We developed a new Search Feature that will enable a faster way for users to find bounties that they want to work on, as well as enabling them to quickly find known bounties by keyword.

Additionally, we deployed a few important features with the Search module:

  • “Sort by” — you can sort by your search term;
  • Infinite Scroll — We removed pagination so you can scroll through all bounties without clicking through multiple pages;

Improved SEO

We’ve been more aware of SEO metrics lately, and put some of our efforts towards improving it. Building SEO works by combining SEO elements using a data-driven approach. These factors include:

  • Keyword analysis
  • Backlink building
  • Metadata improvements
  • Content creation

We did some SEO work to ensure better visibility for our bounties when the links are shared across multiple platforms.

The metadata image was added to the landing page as well. A better sharing mechanism will help bounty owners properly display these bounties across their networks.

Revamped Bounty list view

We improved the readability of the Bounty status by working on a new layout, and adding a few more metrics of information like:

  • Number of users working;
  • Pull Requests;
  • Proposals.

Bounty State Redesign

Another interface improvement is the Bounty State. The Bounty State was redesigned to allow better readability for users.

From now on, the state is always present when viewing the Bounty page, and we adapted it to a vertical view which is a more natural way for users to understand its state.

Quality and Performance Updates

We also performed a bunch of small quality and performance-related updates across the entire application.


  • Added a branch selection dropdown when creating a Bounty.
  • Fonts, colors, and text sizes, to improve legibility.
  • ping disputableTime() before allowing merge.
  • Github account reconnection.
  • Roadmap items.


  • Bounties’ relationships
  • How the indexing system detects a tx to update the tx list.

What’s coming

Bepro Network Labs is working hard every day, and we continue to be focused on building and improving the protocol. Our upcoming work will be mostly focused on giving a big push to Custom Networks and White Labeling.

Stay tuned for the next Product Update for more information!

About Bepro Network

Bepro Network is a codebase for DeFi, Gaming, Prediction Markets & More. We are a Code-as-a-Service protocol providing technology and support for blockchain-based applications.









Building next-generation web3 products. We are a builder hub that connects developers and organizations through hackathons and bounties.