Welcome to another issue of the Team Spotlight series at LayerX, the first of 2024 🚀
In this series, we delve into the stories, experiences, and perspectives of the incredible people that make LayerX. Today, we get to chat with Henrique Macedo, VP of Engineering at LayerX where we’ll get to know what it’s like to be the one steering the technological advancements at LayerX.
1- What’s a day in the life of a web3 Developer at LayerX?
It’s short! I am someone who enjoys designing, programming, and developing products. However, sometimes, my responsibilities prevent me from doing so, and time becomes limited. I like to start my day early, before the rest of the team, to read the news, check emails, list my day tasks, and prioritize everything. Next, I close the email until the next day, my cell phone goes into focus mode, then begin by completing tasks that take less than 30 minutes.
After taking the time in meetings, I divide my time between writing code and doing code reviews. It’s challenging to stay focused for two hours straight during the day due to distractions like meetings, the dog, notifications, the cats, etc. But one of the things I like most is work in what we internally call the “night shift”, where after everyone is off and the family is asleep, I can have two or three hours in a state of deep work where it’s just me, my music and the code, and at that point, I can activate “hackathon mode” (another term we use internally) and be highly productive.
In the end, it all ends up being a constant learning process. We learn a lot from each other as challenges arise. Having space within the company is vital for presenting ideas, debating them, and making decisions together. This way, products can evolve along the best path, and everyone, regardless of department, can contribute to the success of each product.
2- What do you appreciate most about LayerX’s culture?
Transparency and a spirit of mutual assistance. From day one, in June 2019, when there were still just three people in the company, I felt a great connection with everyone, and they quickly made me feel like I had known them for years when it was a matter of weeks. And this culture, this ease with which they leave us, and this friendship that is quickly created makes everything simpler day after day.
This continues today for those who started this journey in 2019 and those who started it in 2023, which is not always easy to maintain when you have a company that grows yearly. In short, culture is what I appreciate most about LayerX.
3- What factors or considerations are unique to web3 developments?
The time that we are living. Although the term web3 appeared a few years ago, we are still at the beginning of what the internet will be like and what blockchain, specifically Ethereum technology, will allow us to do. Just look at the beginning of the 90s when the first static websites appeared and think that it took around ten years for the first pages that allowed users to interact and create content to begin appearing. Equating web3 with those times, we are in the 90s, and that is very stimulating, as we are in a phase of exploration where all ideas are likely to be good ideas. There is nothing better than living in times where we can be part of what will be the future in a given area.
4- What are your favourite web3 projects and why?
There are many incredible projects related to web3, but I will highlight three that are (obviously) my favorites. The first is TAIKAI, which was the project that effectively made me take my first steps in the web3 world, which I helped build into what it is today, and which is the place where so many web3 projects have been born in a short space of time.
The second project is Bepro, where I see the potential of the future of work, offering the opportunity to work with companies that are more difficult otherwise. The third is dappKit, which is an excellent tool for those just starting out and for more experienced users to use in developing web3 projects
5- What are your top3 resources for keeping up with web3 developments?
Choosing a top 3 list of excellent sources of information regarding web3 is not an easy task. However, I would like to highlight two sources that I find particularly useful — The Web3 Buzz newsletter and the ”web3 with a16z” podcast. Additionally, X (formerly Twitter) is a great platform to stay informed about all the news, projects, and technology related to the web3 world. By following the right people, we can stay up-to-date with everything that’s happening in the web3 community.
6- What tips would you give to a developer starting their web3 journey?
Attending a web3 event is a great way to get started in the field. These events take place throughout the year and all over the world, offering a range of activities such as conferences, workshops, and product showcases. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, there’s something for everyone. The web3 community is incredibly supportive and always willing to help. Additionally, participating in a web3 hackathon, such as ETHPorto, can be a great way to learn and test new technologies while being surrounded by a large number of developers who can help you.
7- What are your favorite resources for learning development?
I don’t want to point out a close list of resources to learn about web3 stuff, but for me, the best resource is the web3 community! They create really high-quality content, and it’s super easy to find good tutorials and documentation about different tools. But I gotta say, the best way to learn is by going to in-person workshops at events. There’s nothing like being face to face with the people who know a technology inside and out, or even built it themselves, to get all your questions answered and learn the most.
8- In your opinion, what are the key opportunities and challenges for web3 development in the future?
The transition from web2 to web3 is quite essential, and “crypto” (the word) is still closely associated with web3 (the concept) and sometimes scares people, as web3 is much more than “crypto” (the concept). I think the biggest challenge will be to educate ordinary users about the benefits that web3 will bring, such as security, ownership, privacy, and transparency, and at the same time, do so without using the jargon that this world entails. And this will be the biggest challenge, where design and user experience will play a fundamental role and will be the key to the mass adoption of this new technology.
9- What do you like the most about working in web3?
The web3 community is simply amazing! It’s not just about developers but people from all walks of life who bring their unique skills to the table. From designers to sales teams, community managers to marketers, everyone is welcome in this vibrant community. It’s fascinating to see how different areas of expertise come together to shape the future of web3.
10- Anything else you’d like to share with our community?
Web3 is not as scary as it may seem at first. I know it can be overwhelming with new things all popping up, but we’re in a transition period, and being a part of it can be an amazing experience. The key is not to be afraid to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them. And if you have any questions about any of the different areas, feel free to reach out to me anytime.
And that’s all for today folks!
Stay tuned for the next episode of our Team Spotlight series, where we’ll introduce you to another remarkable member of the LayerX family.
About LayerX
LayerX connects web3 developers and organizations through hackathons and task-based work, bringing together talent and opportunities to create innovative solutions.
Our hackathon platform, TAIKAI, and Task Marketplace at Bepro empower developers to showcase their skills and earn rewards. Don’t forget to join our community and say hello on Discord!