Team Spotlight Series: Meet Rubhan Sukin, Manager of International BD

7 min readNov 30, 2023


Welcome to another issue of the Team Spotlight series at LayerX!

In this series, we delve into the stories, experiences, and perspectives of the incredible people that make LayerX. The goal of this content series is to put our team members under the spotlight: we’ll get to know their human side and share a little bit of what each one of us is with our valued community.

Today, we get to chat with Rubhan Sukin, Manager of International Business Development at LayerX. He’s the one shaping our global strategies and fostering connections that drive our international growth!

What does a typical workday look like for a Business Developer in the web3 ecosystem?

My day typically kicks off with thorough research and lead scouting. I’m at the forefront of identifying potential leads and projects that align with our product offerings. This involves staying abreast of industry trends, monitoring relevant platforms, and leveraging networking channels to spot emerging opportunities.

Armed with a curated list of potential leads, the next step is initiating outreach. Whether through personalized emails, social media, or networking events, I strive to establish the first point of contact. This phase is crucial for creating awareness about our product and its relevance to the potential client’s needs.

As interest begins to materialize, my day unfolds with product demonstrations and introductory discussions. This is the time to showcase the unique features and benefits of our solution. I leverage my knowledge of the Hackathon industry to tailor these discussions, ensuring they resonate with the specific needs and challenges of the potential client.

A significant portion of my day is dedicated to follow-ups with existing discussions and leads. Consistent communication is key to nurturing relationships and addressing any queries or concerns the potential client may have. I understand the importance of building trust and credibility, which often involves providing additional information, case studies, or references as needed.

Throughout the day, I also keep a keen eye on market trends and competitor activities. Staying informed about the latest developments in the web3 space allows me to adapt my approach and positioning accordingly.

What do you appreciate most about LayerX’s culture?

At LayerX, what stands out most to me is the incredible camaraderie we share as a team. It’s not just about individual accomplishments; it’s about hunting together as a pack, facing challenges collectively, and celebrating victories as a unified force.

The culture at LayerX is built on a foundation of trust in each team member’s abilities. Knowing that my colleagues have confidence in my skills empowers me to take on challenges with enthusiasm and dedication.

Equally important is the willingness of everyone on the team to offer help when needed. Whether it’s tackling a complex project, brainstorming ideas, or overcoming obstacles, the sense of collaboration and support within the team is truly invaluable.

LayerX’s culture fosters an environment where individual strengths complement each other, creating a collective force that is greater than the sum of its parts. It’s a culture that not only acknowledges the unique contributions of each team member but actively encourages everyone to reach their full potential.

Did you know anything about web3 before joining LayerX?

When I joined LayerX in 2020, right at the transition between the first and second waves of the pandemic, my knowledge of web3 technology was limited. I had a general curiosity about blockchain but hadn’t delved deep into its intricacies. It was during my initial days at LayerX that I got introduced to KAI tokens, as they were called at that time and the unique voting process in TAIKAI’s Hackathon platform. This introduction sparked my interest, prompting me to delve deeper into the world of web3. As I learned more about decentralized technologies, smart contracts, and the broader implications of blockchain, my understanding evolved.

LayerX provided an immersive environment where I could not only grasp the theoretical aspects but also witness the practical applications of web3 technology. The hands-on experience, coupled with the guidance and expertise within the team, played a pivotal role in shaping my understanding of web3. The intersection of my initial curiosity, the exposure to real-world applications at LayerX, and the evolving landscape of web3 technology collectively fueled my journey of exploration and learning.

What are the main challenges of working in web3?

Working in the web3 space presents a set of unique challenges that require a dynamic and adaptive approach. Web3 operates on a timeline where what may take a day in web2 feels like six months. The rapid pace of technological advancements, new protocols, and emerging trends means that staying updated is not just a necessity but a constant demand. Adapting to these changes quickly becomes a crucial aspect of daily operations.Traditional business development strategies often fall short in the web3 landscape.

The decentralized and community-driven nature of many web3 projects requires a departure from conventional approaches. Building relationships, fostering community engagement, and understanding the intricacies of decentralized networks become paramount. Unlike web2, web3 necessitates a more creative and innovative approach to business development. It’s not just about selling a product or service; it’s about understanding the unique dynamics of decentralized ecosystems and finding creative ways to provide value. This requires thinking outside the box and adapting strategies to the specific needs and ethos of the web3 community.

What are the main reasons, in your opinion, for companies to make the transition to web3?

In my opinion, companies are increasingly making the transition to web3 for several compelling reasons, each contributing to a transformative shift in the way business is conducted. Web3 technologies, particularly blockchain, offer unprecedented transparency in transactions and operations. Utilizing decentralized ledgers, companies can establish an immutable and auditable record of every interaction. This transparency not only builds trust among stakeholders but also addresses concerns related to accountability and integrity.

Web3 emphasizes community-driven models where users actively participate in decision-making processes. This inclusivity fosters a sense of belongingness and shared ownership. Companies leveraging web3 principles can create ecosystems where users feel more connected and engaged, leading to stronger, more loyal communities around their products or services.

Tokenization, a key feature of web3, allows companies to represent assets or value digitally. By creating token-based incentive structures, companies can align the interests of stakeholders and users. This can include reward mechanisms, governance tokens, or other forms of value exchange that enhance collaboration and contribute to the overall success of the ecosystem.

Consumers are increasingly valuing transparency, sustainability, and ethical business practices. Companies embracing web3 principles signal their commitment to these values, aligning with the evolving expectations of a socially conscious consumer base.

How do you approach addressing client concerns or questions related to the intrincacies of web3 technologies?

Addressing client concerns or questions related to the intricacies of web3 technologies requires a strategic and customer-centric approach. Here’s how I typically handle such situations: before engaging with a client, I conduct thorough research about their background and their current involvement with web3 technologies. Understanding their specific industry, challenges, and existing technologies helps me tailor my responses to their context. This preparation ensures that the conversation is more focused and relevant to their needs.

Web3 technologies can be complex, and clients may not always have a deep technical understanding. I strive to communicate in simple and easy-to-understand language, avoiding unnecessary jargon. By breaking down complex concepts into digestible information, I make it more accessible for clients to grasp the benefits and implications of web3 for their specific use case. Every client is unique, and their requirements may vary. I work towards offering customized solutions that align with their specific business goals and challenges. Tailoring the discussion to their individual needs demonstrates a commitment to delivering value that is directly relevant to their context.

What are your top three resources for keeping up with web3 developments?

Platforms such as CoinDesk, CoinTelegraph, and The Block provide up-to-date news, analysis, and insights into the latest developments in the crypto and blockchain space. These outlets often cover a wide range of topics, including new protocols, partnerships, regulatory changes, and market trends. Subscribing to newsletters from these sources helps me receive timely updates directly in my inbox.

How do you see the evolution of the corporate and web3 market in the next 5 years?

We are witnessing a growing number of major corporations recognizing the potential benefits of web3 technologies. Over the next five years, this trend is likely to intensify as more companies incorporate decentralized technologies, smart contracts, and blockchain into their core functions. This adoption may span various industries, including finance, supply chain, healthcare, and beyond. Corporations are likely to engage in collaborative efforts and ecosystem building within the web3 space. Partnerships with blockchain projects, startups, and industry consortia will become more prevalent. This collaborative approach enables companies to leverage the strengths of various players in the web3 ecosystem and drive innovation collectively.

Tell us a fun fact about you.

Certainly! A fun fact about me is that I’m a cricket fanatic. I’ve experienced the world of cricket from various perspectives — as an enthusiastic audience member, a player on the field, a captain leading a team, and even dabbled as a short-time coach. Whether it’s the thrill of a live match, the camaraderie of being part of a team, or the strategic intricacies of the game, cricket has been a significant and enjoyable part of my life.

Anything else you’d like to share with our community?

Absolutely! I’d like to express my enthusiasm for the journey ahead with LayerX. The commitment to spreading LayerX to different ecosystems is not just a goal but a shared mission. As we continue building and expanding, our vision of becoming the go-to platform for all Hackathons and Bounties globally is within reach.The community plays a pivotal role in this collective endeavor. Your contributions, insights, and collaborative spirit are invaluable. Together, we’re shaping a future where innovation thrives, talents are recognized, and opportunities are abundant. So, let’s keep building, connecting, and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of web3 and beyond. The journey ahead is exciting, and I’m thrilled to be part of a community that’s driving positive change and transformation. Here’s to the continued success and growth of LayerX!

And that’s all for today folks!

Stay tuned for the next episode of our Team Spotlight series, where we’ll introduce you to another remarkable member of the LayerX family.

About LayerX

LayerX connects web3 developers and organizations through hackathons and task-based work, bringing together talent and opportunities to create innovative solutions.

Our hackathon platform, TAIKAI, and Task Marketplace at Bepro empower developers to showcase their skills and earn rewards. Don’t forget to join our community and say hello on Discord!




Building next-generation web3 products. We are a builder hub that connects developers and organizations through hackathons and bounties.